Final stats...and stats...and more stats...

Total round trip 6118 miles Pulling trailer Miles 2924 kWh 1466 wH/mile 489 * ** *** Range X90D 167 * ** *** More stats Longest leg 132 miles (Goodland KS to Ellis KS) Longest time 3 hours 26 mins (Torrey UT to Green River UT) Most kWh 61 kWh (74%) Goodland KS to Ellis KS Best "MPG" 369 wH/mile (East side of continental divide) Worst "MPG" 574 wH/mile (Richfield UT to Torrey Utah) Closest to empty (a.k.a "Hope Nancy's not looking") 9% - 16 miles to empty (Harrisburg, PA to Home) 14% - 24 miles to empty (Triadelphia, WV to Somerset, PA) 14% - 24 miles to empty (Kansas City, MO to Columbia, MO) 15% - 26 miles to empty (Topeka, ...