Two for the price of one... not two Bowluses (?Bowli?)  Two bloggers!  That's right.  For a limited time not only do you get my imaginative musings.  You get Nancy's musings at no additional cost.

And just so there is no confusion I'll make sure she gets credit when posting.  So without further adieu...Nancy

P.S.  To the know who you are...your wish has come true ;-)

Three poodles, two adults, a Tesla, and first phase of a road trip to acquire Bowlus Road-chief in Las Vegas, Nevada. What can go wrong? Nancy's perspective on our Travel Adventure.

It didn't take long to find out....First stop charging at Supercharger West of Harrisburg, PA.

Me to Barry, "can you open front trunk (frunk) of Tesla so I can get my rain jacket"? Simple request, simply push a button, frunk should open. Me, standing at front of car in rain and whipping wind...waiting...waiting...waiting... looking at husband with my WTF face on. Nothing. Nada.

Then suddenly the back door trunk pops open. Quick as a wink Ellie, the 11 month old puppy (not one to hesitate when opportunity knocks) jumps out of the car without a leash on and starts running around. Panic! Disbelief! Me running from the front of the car to the back to make sure she doesn’t head towards the major highway to the right. Luckily, she looked confused (or maybe she saw the panic on my face) and quickly came to me. Phew, catastrophe averted. Meanwhile with trunk open, Athy and Millie didn’t move.

Sadly, I think there may be more run away Ellie stories. Hope she arrives back home in one doggy piece. On to our second stop.


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