Three months...three dogs...what were we thinking?
Random musings after three weeks on the road. A three act play.
Act 1 Weather forecasts...rain
They might as well be called weather "your guess is as good as mine” forecasts! For the first two weeks it
seemed as if it rained everyday. That was bad enough. But what made
it worse is that we would check the forecast for the next day and
there would be no forecast rain...but it would rain anyway. This
repeated itself over and over and over again. No rain in
forecast...rain the next day. It got old fast.
Luckily the weather
finally got nice and we've had several consecutive sunny days :-)
Act 2 More weather...wind
To keep things dry we have a “mudroom” that we put at the entrance of the Bowlus.
Also works well as a room to clean the dogs before letting
them in. The only bad thing about it is that it takes about 45
minutes to set up.
One day we had to switch sites at the
campground. We decided it would be easier to walk the tent a quarter
of a mile assembled, instead of disassembling and reassembling it. It
was quite the sight.
Even worse was the next day when we had
to take it down. Really gusty winds. Almost ended up with a hang
gliding tour of the campground! Below is the of us the horse's head, the other the horse's "not head".
Act 3 Not weather related...yeah
Here's a picture of our water filter.
Even though the water is potable at most campgrounds we go the extra
step for drinking and cooking water.
In the picture below you can see that
the filter removes the red dye in the water from the top container
and leaves purified water in the container below.
Bonus pictures...their usual place on a rainy day...
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