A contrast in camp sites

Campgrounds like hotels come in all different shapes and sizes. Public vs private. Spaced out vs packed like sardines. Convenient vs off the beaten path. All sorts of electrical/water/sewer permutations.

Our preferred destination campgrounds are quiet, slightly off the beaten path, in a natural setting, where sites are spaced out. Typically these types of parks are public parks (National Parks, US Forest Parks, State Parks, Corp of Engineer Lakes, County Parks). Although occasionally we'll find a private park that meets the criteria.

Unfortunately sometimes getting to the a destination requires a stop over at a “not preferred” campground😟Here's some pictures from preferred campgrounds. You can see a theme: green, secluded

Now here's an overnight stop we made. Not our type of campground.

Notice the moon bounce full of screaming kids next to us.  The same screaming kids we had to avoid running over as we pulled in.  

And yes.  That is a drive in movie.  And a trailer with xmas lights...on a semi permanent deck

A perfectly fine campground if you have kids and want playgrounds, pools, other activities. Just not for us.  We were up and out before most people were awake the next morning.

You may ask why we stayed at this campground?  The answer is because it led to this....😄


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