That’s a fancy luggage rack you got there!

Just returned from our “quick”, five week coast to coast jaunt and back.  Some quick stats.

tldr version

We traveled 7,000 miles cross country and back with our Bowlus and paid $0 in fuel costs

First day of trip

Detailed version

Mileage traveled

7,000 miles traveled in total

(6,000 miles towing Bowlus, 1,000 miles sans trailer)

Energy used

3280 kWh

(2904 kWh towing, 376 kWh not towing)

Average energy consumption

484 watt/mile towing (highway speed range 55-67 mph)

376 watt/mile not towing (highway speed range 70-85 mph)

*Cost of “fuel” for trip
(Compared to ~$3000 in gas if we had done the trip with a similarly sized SUV.)

*We have unlimited free supercharging with our Model X.  If we had a newer Model X and had to pay for electricity the cost would have been ~$1200.  This still would have been significantly less than towing with an ICE vehicle.

Finally…the title of this post
While I was charging a nice gentleman came over and started chatting about the Tesla and the trailer.  After about five minutes he mentioned he was traveling cross country and was headed to a hotel for the evening. 

I said that one of the nice things about towing our trailer was that it made travel flexible.  We could pull over whenever we were tired and sleep in it for the night.

He looked at me confused and said, “You sleep in that?  I thought it was your luggage carrier!” 



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